1.Select Examiner
Our examiners are spread out internationally.
Contact us for a list of examiners.
2.Choose Exam type
- L4-Only
With this exam the highest level you can reach is 4
2. Open Exam
You do not need to decide for a level beforehand, but you will be assessed according to your actual performance during the exam
3.Take Exam
Most of our exams are performed online.
There is however no difference in the exam itself if you decide to take it in a Face-to-Face situation
4.endorse certificate
LTB112 will supply you with:
1. your LPT certificate
2. the certificate of Language Testing Body 112
3. the examiner authorization of the language proficiency expert
4. the examiner authorization of the language proficiency linguistic expert
Application form for various CAAs need to be filled out by the candidate except for the French DGAC-form. This will be supplied by LTB112.
Your exam is graded according to to the ICAO Rating Scale. The first and second rater grade every sub-scale individually. The lowest rating defines the overall level.
E.g.: You have a level 6 in 5 sub-scales, however a level 5 in one sub-scale.
The final level will be LEVEL 5.